The beauty and style of a place is pronounced in its interior. From millwork to curtains to upholstery, each item requires its own flame resistance without diminishing its look in detail and overall impact.
Turning Star specializes in short runs of custom fabrics for curtains and upholstery, penetrants and applications for millwork, and other interior decorative elements.
Millworkers and painters work closely with Turning Star to find their ASTM E-84 Class A fire resistance solution. We have penetrating saturants that soak into wood, and additives for your base and topcoat.
Form pre-K to university, Turning Star provides fire resistant treatment and certification, or simply the fire retardant products, ensuring safety, security, and compliance.
If you are a facilities manager, compliance officer, or a teacher, contact us for fire retardant application or use.
Live performance is the basis of Turning Star's history. Nowhere else can one be presented with the unique challenges of treating the widest variety of materials possible to one of the highest standards.
Since the deadliest fires in US history have been in theaters, fire marshals and inspectors are the most demanding here. Turning Star developed and continues to develop specialized fire retardant products for use on ever-changing specialty fabrics, woods, leathers, ropes, and every imaginable material that is brought in for use in performance and film or TV production.
Turning Star's products are used from community theater to Broadway, haunted houses to theme parks, TV series to film production, touring Broadway musicals to rock and roll shows, and to circus productions around the world.
Turning Star supports hotels and restaurants, from national chains to local bars and inns.
Whether you are opening a new location, putting in new items, or maintaining the fire resistance on your curtains and decorations, Turning Star provides safety and security in these public places.
From treating and testing curtains and other items in our shop, to doing this work on-site, Turning Star provides full spectrum fire resistance services.
Treat your curtains, millwork, upholstery, carpeting, and wall coverings without compromising the look of your interior design.
Discover the leading fire resistance resource for hoteliers and innkeepers across America. Turning Star specializes in short runs of custom fabrics for curtains, upholstery, and other interior decorative elements.
Turning Star provides consulting, treatment, and testing. All flame resistance treatments meet NFPA 701 and ASTM E-84 Class A.
Textiles are making a return as the versatile decorative and finishing element of choice.
Cotton, jute, bamboo, and silk are just a few of the natural materials that are part of the resurgence in textile use. Many businesses have also started using faux foliage in their decorative scape. The standards for fire safety in public assembly spaces are stringent and these materials are highly flammable. We can provide the best course of treatment to ensure that you are in compliance.
From new fabrics to re-purposed materials, these fabrics continue to speak to us as natural, earthy, basic, homey, and comfort. On the other end of the spectrum, there are new and modern polyester and nylon fabrics with excellent feel and texture that mimic very closely the weight and feel of natural fabrics.
Specializing in short runs from 20 yards to 1,000+ yards, Turning Star's in-house treatment facility allows your fabrics to be treated to stringent fire resistance standards in as brief a time as possible.
Aviation and automotive manufacturers rely on Turning Star flame retardant products and treatment for fabrics and carpeting used in planes and motor vehicles.
Our products have been tested to FAR Part 25 and MVSS-302.
600 Willow Tree Road, Leonia, New Jersey 07605, United States
Phone: 201-881-7077
Copyright © 2024 Turning Star - All Rights Reserved.