Flame Retardants In Household Items Save Lives
Public Safety in the Home - When Every Second Counts
Consumers are often unaware that household items, like a sofa or a TV set, contain highly flammable materials such as plastics and polyurethane foam. These materials are a potential fire risk; they ignite easily and can engulf a room in flames within minutes. Flame retardant plastics and foams can effectively stop the burning process and delay the ignition period. This allows people more time to escape and for fire crews to arrive on the scene.
Fire Testing Results
To see the difference between untreated televisions and sofas, as well as those treated with flame retardants, please click on the items and images listed below:
Testing and images provided by BSEF
Turning Star's Fire Resistance Products and Services are designed to help keep the public safe. We specialize in fire resistant treatment of fabrics as well as theater scenery and props, paper, wood or foam room decor, and upholstery or carpeting for private and public spaces. Turning Star delivers custom fire resistance treatment – on site or at our location – to meet or exceed local and national fire codes.
For more information on our Fire Resistance Treatment Services and Products, contact us today.
Tags: Industry News